February 12, 2018 0 Comments

Name:  Alexz Graves

Hometown:  New York

Current residence:  Brooklyn, NY

Profession:  Television Producer | Director

Favorite Outdoor Sports Activities:  Diving, Snowboarding, Hiking

Who/What inspires you:  My Mom and Grandmother inspire me. They’re both strong, kick ass, women  who raised me the same way.

If you could meet anyone dead or alive who and why:  David Bowie. I was raised on his music and his art and he has always been my hero.

How did you hear about SÅK:  Brad Ryon introduced me to SÅK when I was filming in Utila (Honduras) last year.

Favorite SÅK Product:  I love the BackSÅK- I can carry everything I need for traveling and filming!  The duffels are great for carrying fragile camera equipment that’s no in a case!

How do you use/what do you carry in your SÅKs:  I’m on a lot of boats, and I’m always scared of getting my equipment wet.  Currently my SÅK carries my laptop, which is the most important piece of equipment I own.

What future products would you like to see from SÅK:  I would love to see the BackSÅK with a padded laptop compartment.  Waterproof camera cases would also be great!

Anything else you would like to share:  I’m excited to be part of the team!

Social Media/Website Links:

Instagram: alexzlove
